Monday, April 11, 2011

Glider Challenge: Deliverables

Ours is the Orange one. The other planes are our competition.

Design Process to Test day
         -Came up with 3 designs during our brainstorm session
         -We chose one that would be easy to build and in our opinion would fly pretty decently compared to our other 2 designs
         -Built and rebuilt and redesigned as obsticles came up
                  -such as breaking, glue drying capabilities and weight
         -Tested and again redesigned our plane
                  -we had to put a weight on it and then take some off as it became to heavy
         -Competition day, 2nd in distance, 4th in flight time.

<--design notes

          -weight in the front to keep it moving down and not flipping upwards
                  -Kept it from not nose diving as much as ours did
          -replaced wings. The wings kept breaking so we replaced them

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jon Henry,

    You've done a good job of using bulletized lists. I appreciate that because it's an efficient way of organizing infomration. That said, your content on this post is a bit thin. Take a look at the assignment and make sure you address the questions more completely.

    A sketch is meant to be hasty but yours is a little too hasty. If drawing requires more focus for you, take a few extra minutes to do a cleaner job. I'm not looking for a masterpiece but you should create something that reflects your stage in life.

    Please label any drawings you make.

    There's a lot more you can add to this post based on the requirement.
